Since 2006, the team at Global Village Farm has dreamed of growing and delivering weekly boxes of fresh, natural vegetables right to the doorsteps of people living under food apartheid in the North Central Triangle (Providence-Worcester-Boston). People pay whatever they can afford for this food and no one is ever cut off from the program because they lack wealth. Last year (our first year of operation), 13 families received Low cost vegetables trough the Sister organization Black seed Market) we dream of this year have a least 4 no-cost farm shares in each of this towns, called LOVE SHARES, paid for in part by their neighbors. In the coming season, we are committing to welcoming this families to the program, plus we soon will be adding families experiencing incarceration of their loved ones. Sister organizations in those 3 cities will be distributing those shares to the families targeted by state violence. We are so excited about the momentum behind this direct neighbor-to-neighbor support. We cannot just rely on government or the nonprofit industrial complex to provide for our community’s right to good food.
Please pitch in whatever you are able to afford so the most vulnerable families in our community can access more than ramen and canned food. Together, we can fund 4 LOVE SHARES! Life-giving, nourishing, fresh food is a human right.
We have partner with One Square World so your donation can be tax deductible Contribute to the Love Share every dollar counts.
We are using the same model of our sister farm Soul Fire Farm so we are sharing some of the quotes their members shared in 2017:
“Finding time going to the grocery store with my four kids can get chaotic. It’s really chaotic. We love this program. I feel blessed. My kids love the little watermelon. The quality was amazing. It was like a surprise box every week. I would open it and be like Yesss! We’re gonna eat this this week and I’m going to stretch it and make it work. I will use every little bit. If I don’t know it I’ll Google a recipe. If there’s anything left I’ll throw it in a smoothie… I love this green LIFE!” ~ 2017 Solidarity Share member
“I’m morbid obese…. And I’m disabled, I have limited income. I don’t own a vehicle and my mobility is limited. So you know I got to arrange a ride. And sometimes the prices of things be so high. It gives me more options. It helps me so much in my health journey. The tomatoes you gave me – so many different colors. And I enjoyed the taste. It just makes you want to cook with it. It just makes you want to cook more… So when I’m not getting the box right now [in winter] I’m looking for those same vegetables that Soul Fire has. I never smelled basil so fresh ever in my life, I was like why is everybody so crazy about basil, then I was like OMG this is BASIL! I want to learn how to make pesto now. Those garlic scapes that you guys have. My mother country, Haiti, the way that we make our rice we put oil in a pot and we burn garlic at the bottom to get the aroma. I looked at the list you sent and it was garlic scapes and I was like there’s no garlic in here, then I saw those long curl things. I broke it and the AROMA was just like Mmmmmm. It tasted just the same. And I’m like why is this not a thing. Why don’t they sell this in the store?” ~2017 Solidarity Share member