Saturdays and/or Sundays, 8am – 9:30am EST, April 20 – May 5, 2024
During this three-week series Global Village Farms will host a series of popular education session on various farm business topics.
Who should attend? We invite BIPOC folks who have or are considering a farm business.
What should you expect? We will develop and discuss small parts of your business plan with other BIPOC folks.
How is a popular education workshop unique? Everyone is expected to share their expertise, which will support all participants in improving their businesses.
Do I need to attend all the sessions? Each session is an independent standalone unit, so please join as you can.
Why is the series focused on Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC)? Our farms experiences unique challenges in a white supremacist state that merit special attention.
Session Topics (and Dates):
- Saturday, April 20: Defining clear and marketable (value added) products
- Sunday, April 21: Defining clear and marketable services (related to products)
- Saturday, April 27: Building community among customers
- Sunday, April 28: Building community among growers
- Saturday, May 4: Creating an online presence (that you can maintain)
- Sunday, May 5: Networking on social media (in sustainable ways)
All sessions start at 8am EST. Join us on Zoom at
No pre-registration required. If you would like to receive session reminders, please email Melchor at Hope to see you online!